the joy inside our tears

welcome to our first virtual exhibit.

celebrating art and the creative process amidst the covid-19 pandemic.


watch the virtual exhibit

we would like to give big thanks and praise to our videographer, the talented keryl liburd. the outcome far exceeds our expectations. you can book his photography + cinematography services at aperture vi


if you’re in saint thomas you can book a private viewing by emailing

see something you like?


or learn more about the artists below


your hosts


chunikwa george

chunkii is a local artist and creative consultant whose talents and skills we admire greatly. her dedication to the community and to creating art has been palpable throughout the years.

thank you chunkii for saying yes to being host. we love the energy you bring to the project.


joseph hewes

a board member, joseph’s art curation knowledge, experience and initiatives are indispensable in integrating the alternative art alliance’s efforts.

thank you joseph for your hard work to see the joy behind our tears through to completion.


clay lindol jones

clay is the founder and director of sevenminusseven. he believes that anyone has the potential to create art, and that almost anything can become art.

his dedication to the alternative art alliance continues to create this unique island resource.


selected impressions

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